Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Evos Esports – PT Evos Esports Indonesia adalah organisasi yang didirikan pada Juli 2016, dan berpusat di Jakarta, Indonesia. Visi kami adalah untuk merevolusi cara esports saat ini dijalankan di seluruh Asia Tenggara dan memberikan pengalaman gaming terbaik kepada konsumen. Kami saat ini adalah salah satu pemain eSports terkemuka di SEA dengan tim di seluruh TH / ID / VN / PH / SG.
Era globalisasi membuat zaman berubah begitu cepat, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya sejumlah profesi baru. Meskipun banyak profesi yang ada di dunia kerja, anak muda zaman sekarang cenderung memilih pekerjaan favorit di bidang yang disukainya.
Bidang pekerjaan yang disukai tersebut bisa menjadi ladang generasi muda milenial saat ini yang rata-rata sudah tanggap teknologi. Apakah Anda penasaran apa yang menjadi pilihan anak muda di era digital ini? Jika Anda adalah fresh graduate, maka wajar saja jika masih bingung ingin bekerja di bidang apa. Anda tentu saja sibuk mencari tahu jenis pekerjaan favorit pilihan masyarakat di era teknologi ini.
Posisi pekerjaan yang banyak di minati di tahun 2020 hingga tahun 2021 diantaranya; Bidang Keuangan, Perbankan, Administrasi, Aparatur Negara (PNS), Marketing, Tenaga Pengajar, Teknik, Entertainer, Jurnalis, Bidang IT, Industri Kreatif. Zaman sekarang, perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat, sehingga membuat daya saing masyarakat semakin ketat. Dari sekian banyak profesi di atas, Anda perlu tahu sejumlah pekerjaan favorit orang-orang di era globalisasi ini.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Evos Esports – PT Evos Esports Indonesia
Berikut ini ada Evos Esports – PT Evos Esports Indonesia yang sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi dan kualifikasi simak dibawah ini:
1. Senior Growth/Operations Manager
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or MBA in relevant discipline.
Having 3 years related experience preferably in operational roles or sales/marketing operations at an entertainment-based company
Proven excellence in management, project execution, interpersonal, communication and teambuilding skills
Solid ability to identify risk and problems
Work closely with the Management Team, the BD/Account and Project team to provide visibility on achieving BroadReach’s growth targets
Organize and maintain a reporting and reviewing framework, regular and ad-hoc in-depth reports to enable understanding of forecast and key variables; organize and facilitate reviews using that data, chase missing, incomplete or inaccurate data and provide input to the key decision making processes and meetings within the company.
Facilitate regular initiative review meetings and provide relevant support when needed
Conduct or coordinate the conduct of desk research and opportunity capture management
Support initiative development as needed
Provide input and information and work collaboratively and closely with the other functions across departments within the organization
Act as the focal point for operating, maintaining and improving the growth processes, templates & tools
Liaise with HR to enable hiring of the right staff required to expand the growth team; including drafting role specifications, CV screening and first round interviews
Program management of growth initiatives and the growth component of wider company initiatives
2. Customer Experience
Minimum Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience
Having 1-2 year(s) of working experience as a Customer Experience
Accustomed to using support systems for customer service needs
Having high interest in gaming industry
Excellent listening skills and an empathetic voice and manner
Good in communication skills, both verbal and writing
Dedication to customer satisfaction
Basic knowledge of computer software and office systems
Familiarity with all of the goods and services offered by the company
Recruit potential customers by recommending goods or services and demonstrating how they benefit the customer personally
Answer any questions the customer may have about available products and services
Establish new customer accounts, recording account information on written forms or digitally
Listen to customer concerns and complaints with the goal of identifying the causes of the problem
Select appropriate responses to customer issues and work quickly to resolve them
Refer advanced cases to management for resolution, providing background information as necessary
Maintain and regularly update financial account information using computer software programs
Anticipate customer needs, following up with previous customers to offer reorders or additional services
Simak juga: Semua Lowngan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Juli Posisi Lainnya
Cara Melamar:
Jika Anda salah satu kriteria yang ada di kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan mendaftar secara online:
Senior Growth/Operations Manager – DAFTAR
Customer Experience – DAFTAR
*hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan di proses
Proses rekrutmen & seleksi pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun
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