Lowongan Kerja PT Karya Utama Putra Mandiri

PT KARYA UTAMAPUTRA MANDIRI (“YT UTAMA PUTRA”), a manufacturer of gold jewelry with operational experience in both domestic and export markets, was first founded in 2000 at Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It was initially established as YT JEWELRY which was later officially renamed to YT UTAMA PUTRA on November 10th, 2001.

After more than a decade of significant growth in both manufacturing and management aspects, it was converted into a Limited Company on May 30th, 2012. Thus, the company is currently operated under the official and registered name of PT KARYA UTAMAPUTRA MANDIRI, with its international brand “YT UTAMA PUTRA”. The establishment of the company as a Limited Company reflects the company progression towards a more professional and organized operational activities, and strengthens the company focuses to grow on 4 sectors: Production, Design and Product Development, Distribution, Brand Development.

The constant growth in these respective sectors has allowed the company to constantly provide excellent quality and innovative pieces of jewelry, supported by high-tech production process and highly qualified manpower. The gold jewelry pieces produced by PT KARYA UTAMAPUTRA MANDIRI encompass a wide range of variations (rings, bangles, bracelets, earrings, pendants, and chains) in various options of fineness and embody the spirit of “The Art of Luxury “, exquisite and intimate piece of artworks.

With outstanding support from its team, facilities, and stakeholders, the company is already acknowledged as one of Indonesia’s major jewelry manufacturers, with official partners, from all around the world and a strong customer base spanning throughout all key regions of Indonesia as well as foreign trading partners. It currently operates under a vision to become a company who can provide positive contributions to its customers, organization, and to all stakeholders involved.

1. Sales & Marketing Representative


  • Pria maks. usia 26 tahun
  • Min. Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
  • IPK min. 3.00
  • Menyukai pekerjaan di bidang marketing
  • Memilki relasi yang luas
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Teliti dan rapih
  • Percaya diri
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Penempatan kerja di Bandung
2. Production Administrator


  • Wanita min. pendidikan S1 semua jurusan
  • Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar
  • Bersedia bekerja lembur
  • Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Dapat bekerjasama dengan tim
  • Bersedia bekerja shift
  • Tidak menggunakan penutup kepala / kawat gigi
  • Mampu mengetik cepat dan teliti
  • Penempatan kerja di Bandung
3. Content Creator


  • Pria / Wanita maks. usia 26 tahun, pendidkan min. S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Teliti dan gesit dalam melakukan pekerjaan
  • Menguasai Blender, Photoshop, dan Adobe Illustrator
  • Memiliki kemampuan dalam editing dan advertising
  • Memiliki kemampuan membuat animasi 3D
  • Kreatif dan inovatif dalam membuat konten di Social Media
  • Penempatan kerja di Bandung

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:

 – Sales & Marketing Representative

 – Production Administrator

 – Content Creator