Lowongan Kerja PT Darma Henwa Tbk

PT Darma Henwa Tbk didirikan sebagai perusahaan berstatus Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) dengan nama PT Darma Henwa berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia dengan Akta No. 54, tanggal 8 Oktober 1991. Pada bulan Juli 1996, Perusahaan mengubah statusnya dari PMDN menjadi perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) dengan masuknya Henry Walker Group Limited sebagai pemegang saham terbesar Perseroan. Pada bulan Januari 2005, Perseroan mengubah namanya menjadi PT HWE Indonesia dan pada bulan September 2006 berubah lagi namanya menjadi PT Darma Henwa Tbk. Di tahun 2007, Perseroan menjadi perusahaan public dengan nama PT Darma Henwa Tbk dengan mencatatkan (tiga miliar seratus lima puluh juta) saham biasa di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kode saham DEWA.

Kegiatan utama Perseroan saat ini adalah bergerak dalam bidang jasa kontraktor pertambangan, jasa penambangan umum, pemeliharaan dan perawatan peralatan

Saat ini PT Darma Henwa Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan April 2021. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Darma Henwa Tbk  dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

1. Mine Operation Tteam Leader (code: MODTL_Name)


  1. Bachelor’s degree in mining engineering is preferred
  2. Having at least 10 years experience in the same position
  3. Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 3 years ( Bachelor degree )
  4. Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 7 years ( Diploma )
  5. Having experience in mine operation supervisor minimum 12 years ( SMA/STM )
  6. Male, maximum 40 years
  7. Having excelience experience mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  8. Having POP certification is preferred
  9. Have a good leadership spirit, as well as having good communication and interpersonal skills
  10. Willing to be placed on job site of PT Darma Henwa Tbk
2. Tyre Team Leader (code: TL-TYRE_Name)


  1. Bachelor degree in mechanical / electrical engineering is preferred
  2. Having at least 5 years experience in the same position
  3. Diploma / Vocational High School with experience more than 7 years in mining industry
  4. Male, maximum 40 years
  5. Having excellence experience maintenance Tyre, maintenance heavy eguipment, mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  6. Having POP certification is must
  7. Have a good leadership spirit, as well as having good communication and interpersonal skills
  8. Willing to be placed on Kintap / Jumbang site — South Kalimantan
3. Fabrication Team Leader (code: FTL_Name)


  1. Diploma / Bachelor degree of Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
  2. Has a minimum 3 years of experience as Maintenance Mechanic of Heavy Eguipment
  3. Having excellence experience in Mining procedure, HSE procedure, HRD Procedure.
  4. Having skill of electrical maintenance & repair of mining heavy eguipment.
  5. Having POP certification is preferred
  6. Understand Heavy Eguipment Management System.
  7. Have a good leadership spirit, as well as having good communication and interpersonal skilts
  8. Willing to be placed on Kintap / Jumbang site — South Kalimantan
4. Mine Operation Administration (code: M0-ADMIN_Name)


  1. Diploma/Bachelor degree in mining engineering, Administration.
  2. Having experience in mine operation supervisor administration min 2 years ( Bachelor degree )
  3. Having experience in mine operation supervisor administration minimum 3 years ( Diploma )
  4. Having experience in mine operation supervisor administration minimum 9 years ( SMA/STM )
  5. Male, maximum 40 years
  6. Having excellence experience mining procedure, HSE procedure, Administration Operation, HRD Procedure.
  7. Having POP certification is preferred
  8. Willing to be placed on job site of PT Darma Henwa Tbk
5. Head Of Mine Plan – SPT Level (code: HPM-Name)


  1. Bachelor degree in Mining
  2. Understand Mining Process
  3. Having Experience in 5-7years in same position
  4. Having Certificate POP or POM
  5. Able to read mining design
  6. Able Work with deadline
  7. Having good communication
  8. Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa
6. Equipment Health & Warranty Analyst (code: EHWA_Name)


  1. Bachelor degree in Electrical / Mechanical Engineer
  2. 6 Have experience minimum 3 years in the same field.
  3. Knowing about mining procedure, HSE procedure, plant maintenance process, specify of unit/eguipment.
  4. Knowing about Heavy Eguipment Management System.
  5. Knowing about Computerized Mechanical Management Systems (CMMS)
  6. Have a Applied Failure Analysis certificate is preferred
  7. Willing to be Placed in All site Darma Henwa

If you interested to fill these positions, please send your CV to:

recruitment@ptdh.co.id / Fransisca.Margaretha@ptdh.co.id with the subject as proposed position before 15th April 2021

Please be aware of certain frauds or misinformation regarding recruitment advertising on behalf of Darma Henwa. We never ask for any payments whatsoever from applicants or candidates during the recruitment process. We never ask applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to make arrangements for transportation and accommodation during the process.