Lowongan Kerja Banyak Posisi PT Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk Plant Merak Cilegon

LCTTBK didirikan dengan nama PT Indofatra Plastik Industri sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Akta Notaris Ibu Rukmasanti Hardjasatya, SH Nomor 19 Tanggal 9 Desember 1987 yang disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia dengan Keputusan Nomor C2- 6603.HT.01.01.Th.88 Tanggal 30 Juli 1988. LCTTBK memulai kegiatan usaha komersialnya di bidang industri plastik dengan kapasitas terpasang awal lini produksi pertama sebesar 8.000 metrik ton per tahun.

Kemudian pada tanggal 18 Juli 1988 berubah nama menjadi PT Fatrapolindo Nusa Industri dan berubah bentuk usaha menjadi perusahaan terbuka setelah mendapat keputusan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dengan Surat Keputusan Nomor C-5565.HT.01.04-TH. 2001 Tanggal 23 April 2001 dan mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kode saham FPNI.

Pada tahun 2008, kembali berganti nama menjadi PT Titan Kimia Nusantara Tbk, kemudian melakukan Penawaran Umum Terbatas I – Penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu dan dana hasil Penawaran Umum Terbatas tersebut digunakan untuk menambah penyertaan modal di TIHL dan digunakan semata-mata untuk mengakuisisi 100% kepemilikan Titan Petchem (M) Sdn. Bhd., di Chemical Brothers Ltd., yang merupakan pemegang saham mayoritas PT Titan Petrokimia Nusantara.

Merujuk pada pangsa pasar yang berkembang secara dinamis, memutuskan untuk melakukan inovasi dan perubahan nama menjadi PT Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk sebagaimana tertuang dalam Akta Notaris Fathiah Helmi, SH Nomor 1 Tanggal 1 April 2013 yang telah disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Surat Keputusannya Nomor AHU-19689.AH.01.02. Tahun 2013 Tanggal 15 April 2013, kemudian mulai mengimpor dan mendistribusikan polyethylene (PE) dan polypropylene (PP).

LCTTBK akan terus berupaya dan berinovasi untuk meningkatkan jumlah penjualan dan pertumbuhan di masa mendatang secara berkesinambungan dan berkontribusi pada peningkatan kehidupan.

Kami sedang membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk posisi berikut :


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree Chemical Engineering from reputable University
GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 5 years’ experience related to Petrochemicals
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Job description :

Procurement and contract progress (EPC/OWNER Item/Utility/etc)
Project Budget management
Mediate between Licensor/EPC and project team
Korea/Indonesia government relation support


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree or higher major Electronics or Electrical from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project
EPC experience in related fields
Career at Petrochemical plant & Maintenance department
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Instrument
Understanding and application capacity of field instruments
Understanding the control system and configuring logic
Understanding the analyser system


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree or higher major Electronics or Electrical from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 5 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project
EPC experience in related fields
Career at Petrochemical plant & Maintenance department
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Instrument
Understanding and application capacity of field instruments
Understanding the control system and configuring logic
Understanding the analyzer system


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree or higher major Electrical Engineering from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project.
EPC experience in related fields)
Career at Petrochemical plant & Maintenance department
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Electrical
Understanding and application of electrical schematic and power Distribution
Understanding and application of installation and test of electrical equipment


Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree or higher major Chemical Engineering from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 5 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project.
Practical Experience in construction project of Petrochemical and/or Oil Company.
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Stationary, Piping
Understanding drawings of stationary equipment and piping.
Understanding related specification and International Code.
Understanding related bulk materials (Piping, Insulation, Support, etc)


Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree or higher major Chemical Engineering from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project.
Practical Experience in construction project of Petrochemical and/or Oil Company.
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Stationary, Piping
Understanding drawings of stationary equipment and piping.
Understanding related specification and International Code.
Understanding related bulk materials (Piping, Insulation, Support, etc)


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree or higher major Mechanical Engineering & Related field majors from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant, Has Experience about the Project
EPC experience in related fields
Career at Petrochemical plant & Maintenance department
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Civil,
Architecture, Steel Structure.
Design review and comment
Vendor specification, drawing & document understanding and review
Manufacturer inspection and delivery management
Construction / Maintenance work control and management


Qualifications :

Bachelor degree or higher Environment & Related field majors from reputable University, GPA. Min 2.75 (PTN) and 3.0 (PTS)
Minimum of 10 years’ experience related to polypropylene plant,
Has Experience about the Project
Practical Experience in construction project of Petrochemical and/or oil company
Career at Petrochemical plant & Maintenance department
Good Computer Skill (Spread sheet, Process modelling, Word, Excel, Power point etc).
Computer skills in Microsoft Office, maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment
Fluent in English (both written & spoken), preferred Korea
Good integrity, initiatives and team work ability
Having motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure
Has Experience about the Project
Maximum age is not more than 45 years old
Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Responsibilities :

Persons capable of performing the following work related to Environment, Health, and Safety
Understanding Environment (industrial waste, noise, air pollution etc.)
Understanding Health Hazardous Materials Management, firefighting training etc.
Understanding Safety (MSDS, fire system, working environment measurement etc
Understanding Local regulation about EHS

Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan daftarkan diri anda melalui link berikut : http://rebrand.ly/lotte_disnakercilegon

untuk posisi lainnya silahkan klik disini

BACA : Cara Lamar Kerja Via Jobstreet, CV Langsung dibaca Perusahaan