Lowongan Kerja PRISMA (Australia-Indonesia Partnership)

Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture (PRISMA) adalah sebuah program Kemitraan Pembangunan antara Pemerintah Australia (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, DFAT) dan Pemerintah Indonesia (Bappenas). Kemitraan pembangunan multitahun ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat pengentasan kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif.

Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Rural Economic Development (AIP-Rural, 2013-2018), sebagai representasi fase pertama dari PRISMA mencakup empat program pengembangan sistem pasar yaitu SAFIRA (program keuangan untuk pertanian), TIRTA (program irigasi tersier), ARISA (program riset terapan di sektor pertanian) dan PRISMA sebagai program utama. Fase kedua mengintegrasikan keempat program tersebut ke dalam program tunggal dengan nama PRISMA. Merujuk pada hasil fase pertama, fase kedua berupaya untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pasar dan keuntungan ekonomi dalam rantai nilai pertanian selama lima tahun ke depan (2019-2023).

PRISMA bekerja untuk meningkatkan daya saing serta akses rumah tangga pertanian kecil kepada pasar, input yang lebih baik, keterampilan dan teknologi. Program ini berfokus pada sektor-sektor di bidang pertanian, hortikultura, peternakan dan budidaya perairan dengan potensi pertumbuhan yang baik serta merupakan sumber pendapatan bagi banyak rumah tangga pertanian di Indonesia. Di fase pertama, PRISMA beroperasi di lima provinsi di Indonesia – Jawa Timur, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Papua Barat dan Papua. Pada fase kedua, PRISMA akan terus bekerja di provinsi-provinsi tersebut dan akan memperluas jangkauannya ke Jawa Tengah – sehingga menambah jumlah wilayah kerja menjadi enam provinsi.

PRISMA akan terus menggunakan pendekatan Pengembangan Sistem Pasar (Market Systems Development – MSD), bekerja sama dengan para pelaku pasar lainnya untuk mengatasi berbagai faktor yang menghambat produktivitas pertanian di Indonesia. PRISMA bermitra dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan untuk mendorong perubahan sistemik dalam bidang pertanian dan agribisnis yang akan berlanjut hingga melampaui masa implementasi program.

Pada akhir fase pertama pelaksanaan program (Desember 2018), PRISMA berhasil melampaui target pencapaian dengan meningkatkan pendapatan 345.001 rumah tangga pertanian kecil hingga sebesar 252%. Di akhir fase kedua, PRISMA menargetkan peningkatan minimal 30% pendapatan bersih bagi 700.000 rumah tangga pertanian kecil lainnya di lokasi kerja program. Kemitraan pembangunan 10 tahun antara Australia dan Indonesia ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan 30% pendapatan bersih bagi total 1 juta rumah tangga pertanian kecil pada tahun 2023.

1. Senior Business Consultant ICT

Required Qualifications:

At least graduate level qualifications in economics, finance, business administration, marketing, agricultural studies, social sciences, or an equivalent discipline (Master’s Degree is an advantage).
A sound understanding of business and economics of how finance and ICT markets work, specifically in Indonesia.
Strong analytical mind and a flair for facts and data.
A love for out of the box thinking
Demonstrated negotiation skills.
Strong interpersonal skills to be able to work with partners and in teams.
Ability and experience in business plan development.
Willingness to learn from mistakes and ability to think ‘out-of-the-box’.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia in both verbal and written skills.
Proven work experience in ICT industries is one of great advantage.
Ability to manage tasks and responsibilities while in the office or when traveling to the fields
Experience in development project is not required.
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia

2. Senior Business Consultant/Business Consultant (Pig Sector)

Required Qualifications:

At least graduate level qualifications in economics, business administration, marketing, agricultural studies, finance, social sciences or an equivalent discipline (Master’s Degree is an advantage).
A sound understanding of business and economics of how markets work, specifically in Indonesia.
Strong analytical mind and a flair for facts and data.
A love for out of the box thinking.
Demonstrated negotiation skills.
Strong interpersonal skills to be able to work with partners and in teams.
Ability and experience in business plan development.
Willingness to learn from mistakes and ability to think ‘out-of-the-box’.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia in both verbal and written skills.
Proven work experience in the pig sector.
Willingness to travel frequently is a must and should possess the ability to multitask in the office or in the field.
Some work experiences in development or non-development project management.
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia

3. Business Consultant

Required Qualifications:

At least graduate level qualifications in economics, business administration, marketing, agricultural studies, finance, social sciences or an equivalent discipline.
A sound understanding of business and economics of how markets work, specifically in Indonesia.
Proven work experience is one of essential.
Strong analytical mind and a flair for facts and data.
A love for out of the box thinking
Demonstrated negotiation skills.
Strong interpersonal skills to be able to work with partners and in teams.
Ability and experience in business plan development.
Willingness to learn from mistakes and ability to think ‘out-of-the-box’.
Provide evidence of English Literacy
Ability to manage tasks and responsibilities while in the office or when traveling to the fields
Experience in development project is not required.

4. Business Consultant RML

Required Qualifications:

At least graduate level qualifications in economics, business administration, agricultural, natural Sciences, Actuarial Sciences, Engineering, finance, social sciences, or an equivalent discipline.
 A good understanding of business and economics of how markets work, specifically in Indonesia.
Strong in being both meticulous/detail-oriented and strategic/visionary
Able to work under own initiative and drive to complete tasks with little direct supervision
Proficient in performing data analysis using spreadsheet applications (any competence in statistical software or GIS is an advantage)
Strong analytical mind and data literacy skills
A love for out-of-the-box thinking
Demonstrated negotiation skills
Strong interpersonal skills to be able to work with partners and in teams
Competence in research principles (experience in social and qualitative research is an advantage)
Willingness to learn from mistakes and ability to think out-of-the-box.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia in both verbal and written skills
Proven work experience is an advantage
Willingness to travel frequently is a must
Possess the ability to multitask in the office or the field
Experience in development projects is not required

If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please submit your with complete CV, certificates to:

– Senior Business Consultant ICT

– Senior Business Consultant/Business Consultant (Pig Sector)

– Business Consultant

– Business Consultant RML

Application close on 30th August 2021

For Indonesian applicants only
University degree is required
Female candidate & people disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply

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