Lowongan Kerja PT. Mcdelica Food Indonesia Kawasan Modern Cikande

PT. MCDELICA Food Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang berspesialisasi dalam produk-produk Fresh & Frozen RTE. Didirikan pada Mei 2019 dan terdiri dari pemegang saham dari Mitsubishi Corporation dan PT. Mitra Pangan Pratama.

Kami sedang membutuhkan kandidat untuk posisi berikut :


Kualifikasi :

Minimum Education D3/S1, Maximum Age 40 years old.
Experience as a manufacturing production supervisor in Food or equivalent at least 3 years
Have a good leadership and problem solving spirit.
Understanding of GMP system, HACCP, ISO 22000, K3 and Halal Assurance System is a plus
Understand the manufacturing process and understand the maintenance of production machines
Willing to work shifts and be placed in Kawasan Modern Industri Cikande – Banten.

Interested applicants should send their CV and cover letter to [email protected]