FKS Group adalah perusahaan induk Asia Tenggara yang fokus pada makanan, energi, dan properti. Perusahaannya menggabungkan komitmen yang kuat untuk logistik dan infrastruktur dengan pemahaman domestik dan internasional yang mendalam untuk mewujudkan potensi bisnis dan orang-orang di seluruh kawasan. Komitmen Grup diperkuat oleh lebih dari 40 tahun pengalaman dan keahlian yang meluas secara global ke sumber, manufaktur, pemurnian, logistik, pengiriman, pembiayaan, manajemen risiko serta perdagangan logistik, pengiriman, pembiayaan, manajemen risiko serta perdagangan.
Tumbuh pesat, FKS Group memfokuskan pada impor, perdagangan, proses dan distribusi komoditas biji-bijian fisik seperti makanan dan pakan di Indonesia. Sebagai importir dan distributor kedelai dan bungkil kedelai nomor satu di Indonesia, Grup menangani volume rantai pasokan yang besar di sektor pangan dan pakan. FKS Group berusaha untuk melebihi harapan dan investasi para pemangku kepentingan dengan memastikan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan Grup dan mengembangkan kompetensi karyawan. Minat signifikan Grup dalam penyulingan gula, energi dan pengembangan properti dikelola oleh anak perusahaan.
Kami sedang membutuhkan kandidat untuk posisi berikut :
Electrical & Instrument Lead
Job Description :
Supervise, manage technician and coordinate planning for Electrical tool reliability programs and problem solving in utility area including steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment, and wastewater treatment system.
Ensure ‘first job – right done’ so that equipment reliability is maximized.
Having a role in close collaboration with other function in utility area to aim a reliable electrical equipment
Perform reliability analysis and continuous improvement to eliminate electrical, instrumentation and control system losses.
Respect the compliance on safety, health, environment, as well as prevention of product safety & quality defect.
Requirements :
Previous equivalent 8 years experiences as E/I supervisor in power plant or chemical plant.
Able to demonstrate and familiar with track record of power plant/boiler processes and system implementation.
Relevant minimum technical school degree (D3/S1 is preferred).
Experienced in the implementation of best practices on all scopes of electrical maintenance – trouble shooting, preventive & predictive maintenance, specifically in steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment, and wastewater treatment facilities for min. 5 years.
Having knowledge of MV-LV CB, relay protection, electric motor (include hoist crane), variable drives, UPS and batteries, emergency genset, field instrumentation, control valve, process analytic instrumentation, MCC and Transformer, cable standard and sizing.
Has capability to develop schematic drawing and P&ID to perform fault diagnostics to identify and correct E/I failure and system failures.
Having knowledge of equipment control valve, pressure transmitter, flow meter, temperature transmitter, level transmitter, oxygen analyzer, DCS, and single loop controller.
Capability to operate electrical / instrument testing and calibration tools.
Experienced with CMMS.
Experienced with root cause analysis tools like cause mapping, why-why analysis, DMAIC.
Experienced with TPM concept and lean manufacturing.
Familiar with life safety standard procedure: LOTO, Line breaking, CSE, Hot work.
Having certificate “K3 Listrik” is an advantage
Familiar with Ms. Office and computer operation.
Fluent in technical English.
Good communication skills.
Able to work in minimum supervision.
Jika anda sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui web :
Electrical & Instrument Technician
Job Description :
Perform work related to the installation, maintenance, inspection, and testing variety of electrical & instrumentation equipment, including but not limited to electric motors, MV – LV switchgear, steam generator system, transformer, relay protection, electrical accessories, instrumentation, pneumatic system, and DCS/PLC control system.
Ensure ‘first job – right done’ so that equipment reliability is maximized.
Having a role in close collaboration with other function in utility area to aim a reliable electrical equipment.
Perform reliability analysis and continuous improvement to eliminate electrical, instrumentation and control system losses.
Ensure all the equipment and installation meet the regulation.
Respect the compliance on safety, health, environment, as well as prevention on product safety & quality.
Requirements :
Previous equivalent 3 – 6 years experiences as Electric/Instrument technician in power plant or wastewater treatment plant.
Able to demonstrate and familiar with track record of power plant/boiler processes and system implementation.
Minimum technical high school degree (STM/SMK).
Experienced in the implementation of electrical maintenance – trouble shooting, preventive & predictive maintenance, specifically in steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment and wastewater facilities; min. 3 years.
Able to apply electrical and electronic theory & practice to electrical and instrumentation equipment.
Having knowledge of equipment of electric motors, MV-LV circuit breaker, relay protection, MCC, variable drives, hoist crane, UPS and batteries system, electronic parts.
Having knowledge of equipment control valve, pressure transmitter, flow meter, temperature transmitter, level transmitter, oxygen analyzer, DCS, and single loop controller.
Knowing the materials, methods, and equipment used in the inspection, testing, calibration, maintenance, and repair of process instrumentation and control equipment.
Able to read electrical, pneumatic drawing and P&ID to perform fault diagnostics to identify and correct electrical, pneumatic, and electric analogue failures, perform functional tests to identify and correct system failures.
Capable to operate electrical inspection and testing tools.
Familiar with air compressor, DCS deltaV, UPS and emergency genset.
Familiar with Ms. Office and computer operation.
Basic level in technical English.
Able to work in shift.
Jika anda sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui web :
Mechanical Lead
Job Description :
Supervise, manage technician and coordinate planning for Mechanical tool reliability programs and problem solving in utility area including steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment, and wastewater treatment system.
Ensure ‘first job – right done’ so that equipment reliability is maximized.
Having a role in close collaboration with other function in utility area to aim a reliable electrical equipment.
Perform reliability analysis and continuous improvement to eliminate mechanical system losses.
Respect the compliance on safety, health, environment, as well as prevention on product safety & quality.
Requirements :
Previous equivalent 8 years experiences as mechanical supervisor in power plant or chemical plant.
Able to demonstrate and familiar with track record of power plant/boiler processes and system implementation.
Relevant minimum technical school degree (D3/S1 is preferred).
Experienced in the implementation of best practices on maintenance steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment, and wastewater treatment facilities; min. 5 years.
Having knowledge of equipment screw & centrifugal compressor, fan, high pressure pump, screw and belt conveyor, ESP, Steam turbine generator and boiler.
Having knowledge in vibration analysis level 1 is preferred.
Familiar with vibration analyser tool is advantage.
Has capability to develop mechanical drawing, isometric, and P&ID to perform fault diagnostics to identify and correct mechanical failure and system failures
Good ability to handling mechanical inspection tools including thermography, vibration tools, dial-laser alignment tools and gauge.
Experienced with CMMS.
Experienced with root cause analysis tools like cause mapping, why-why analysis, DMAIC.
Experienced with TPM concept and lean manufacturing.
Familiar with life safety standard procedure: LOTO, Line breaking, CSE, Hot work.
Having certificate SIO forklift and rigging is an advantage.
Familiar with Ms. Office and computer operation.
Fluent in technical English.
Good communication skills.
Able to work in minimum supervision.
Jika anda sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui web :
Mechanical Technician
Job Description :
Perform work related to the installation, maintenance, inspection, and testing variety of mechanical system equipment including, but not limited to piping, static, hydraulic and rotating equipment in power plant and its utility plant.
Ensure ‘first job – right done’ so that equipment reliability is maximized.
Having a role in close collaboration with other function in utility area to aim a reliable electrical equipment.
Perform reliability analysis and continuous improvement to eliminate electrical, instrumentation and control system losses.
Ensure all the equipment and installation meet the regulation.
Respect the compliance on safety, health, environment, as well as prevention on product safety & quality.
Requirements :
Previous equivalent 3 – 6 years experiences as mechanical technician in power plant or wastewater treatment plant.
Able to demonstrate and familiar with track record of power plant/boiler processes and system implementation.
Minimum technical high school degree (STM/SMK).
Experienced in the implementation of maintenance steam turbine generator, coal fired – FB boiler, air compressor, water treatment, and wastewater treatment facilities; min. 3 years.
Having knowledge of equipment screw & centrifugal compressor, fan, pump, screw and belt conveyor, ESP, and boiler.
Able to read mechanical drawing, isometric, and P&ID to perform fault diagnostics to identify and correct mechanical failure and system failures.
Capable to perform rotating machine alignment
Familiar with mechanical inspection tools including thermograph, dial gauge, and vibration gauge.
Good communication skills.
Preferred hold SMAW/GTAW certificate.
Familiar with Ms. Office and computer operation.
Basic level in technical English.
Able to work in shift.
Jika anda sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui web :
Power Plant Instrument Technician
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan min D3 Teknik
Pengalaman 3 – 6 tahun sebagai teknisi
Instrumen di pembangkit listrik atau pabrik kimia.
Mampu menerapkan teori dan praktek kelistrikan dan elektronika yang diterapkan pada peralatan instrumentasi.
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang equipment.
Berpengalaman dalam implementasi perawatan instrumentasi – trouble shooting, perawatan preventif & prediktif, khususnya di pembangkit turbin uap,
berbahan bakar batubara – boiler FB, kompresor udara; menit 3 tahun.
Mampu mengoperasikan alat inspeksi dan pengujian kelistrikan.
Lebih disukai akrab dengan sistem switchgear MV-LV.
Akrab dengan kompresor udara, DCS delta V, UPS dan genset darurat.
Familiar dengan Ms. Office dan pengoperasian komputer.
Tingkat dasar dalam bahasa Inggris teknis.
Mampu bekerja dalam shift.
Bersedia ditempatkan di Cilegon
Jika anda sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas dapat melakukan pendaftaran secara online melalui web :