Lowongan Kerja PT Layo Seng Fong

PT. LAYO SENG FONG adalah perusahaan Joint Venture antara PT. SENG FONG MOULDING PERKASA dengan HONG SUNG TIMBER TRADING CO LIMITED yang bergerak dalam bidang industri pembuatan kayu lantai dari kayu, didirikan pada tanggal 20 Desember 2019 yang berkantor pusat di Kabupaten Jombang, Provinsi Jawa Timur.

PT. LAYO SENG FONG merupakan perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) yang semenjak tanggal 19 Mei 2020 telah beroperasi secara komersial. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan produksinya perusahaan akan menyerap sekitar 400-600 orang tenaga kerja lokal.

Produk utama PT. LAYO SENG FONG adalah Engineered Wood Flooring, yaitu lantai kayu yang terdiri dari beberapa layer disatukan dengan cara di laminasi. Kapasitas produksi per tahun PT. LAYO SENG FONG sebesar 3.000.000 m2 atau setara dengan 28.000 m3 dan seluruhnya akan dipasarkan ke luar negeri (ekspor) dimana pasar utamanya adalah Amerika Serikat.

1. Management Trainee (MT)

Main Job Task and responsibility

Receives Training, project and performs duties in several departments during 1 year
Identify and anaiyze problems in field and provide recommendations for company progress
Learning about factory process, world reports and obtain data from several department
Performing additional duties from management


Fresh graduate of Bachelor Degree with min. GPA 3.00 in: Industrial Engineering
Technical Information, Mechanical Engineering: Forestry: Electrical Engineering
Fluent in written and verbal communication skills in English
Good leadership skills and detail oriented
Good analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
Hard worker and able to work under pressure
Able to use Microsoft Office
Willing to be placed in Jombang

2. Engineering Manager


Implement a strategy for the continual improvement of factory performance in terms of efficiency and guality, in line with customer reguirements.
Lead, manage and develop the key production support functions of Process Engineering, Maintenance and Repair.
Maintenance Tasks and Technical Solutions for Production Machines and All Their Utilities
Champion the philosophy of continuous improvement across all areas of the business and to
encourage others to adopt technigues available to drive.
To effectively represent customer (production) needs in Engineering projects, ensuring
reguirements/ acceptance criteria are fully understood.
Drives together with Production managers the identification of improvement opportunities, prioritizes them based on impact on production plan and ensures development of action plans and
their implementation.
Leads the development of maintenance processes in order to find the optimum levels of Corrective, preventative and predictive maintenance and the optimum method of delivery of these maintenance types.


Male/Female Max 40 years old
Bachelor degree in Engineering or eguivalent qualification
Minimum 2 years of relevant experience, preferably in manufacturing sector
Understand electrical drawings, master the PLC operational system
Independent, dedicated and able to work under pressure
Able to lead, train and guide subordinates
Good verbal and written communications skills in English
Possess good skills in Microsoft Office

Send your CV to :

[email protected]
Subject: MT-Major-Source Information (Posisi 1)
Engineering Manager-Major-Source Information (posisi 2)